Kaizen for your Life - Change for the Better

Nelson dreaming of continuously improving his life as we cruise the Hudson River
Six sigma is a business management strategy used to improve business processes, eliminate waste, and diminish variation. As a six sigma professional I was pondering a term we in the industry use very often: Kaizen.

Wines of the World!

You don't need to take a physical trip to get a taste of the world. When I was a senior in college I took two electives through our hotel management program called 'Wines of the World' and "Food and Wine Pairing'. Real tough way to spend your senior year right? I have always enjoyed wine and when I would venture to the wine store I would try to pick wines from regions I have been to. Recently, I have found myself searching for wines of areas I will soon travel to. Either way, its a great way to get a taste of a place you have traveled to in hopes of reliving a moment or memory or get excited for a trip or vacation in your near future!

 Explore your liquor/wine store for a gastronomic journey!

How can I travel around the world?

Okay, so you made the decision to take a long term trip. Congratulations! The hard part is over! But now, how does one even start to plan? We learned things about long term travel we never knew existed. Travel blogs with firsthand experience were filled with information, resources and plenty of inspiration!

1. Make your list of countries.
This part is easy. Start dreaming. If you've ever thought, "I've always wanted to see what Australia is all about!" or "I am fascinated with Japanese culture," then include those! No nation is out of your reach. The world is getting smaller and smaller, take advantage.

Sit down solo or with your travel partner and make your list. We spent a few breakfasts at our local diner editing our list, adding to it and trying to make a path around the world that makes sense. We had no idea how we would do it or even how much it would cost it, but make an extensive list that can be shortened if necessary. For example, an African safari was just too expensive for our budget and eventually didn't make the cut.

2. More Money, Less Problems... when planning travel!
I've read the same quote on several travel blogs and I will include it here. "Pack what you think you will need and save your money. Then halve your items packed and double your savings."

Goodbye New York, Hello World!

Have you ever said, "I want to go far, far away from it all!"? We all have.
Ever wonder what this rat race is all for? Yeah, us too.
Have you found yourself spending time and money on things that really shouldn't be a priority? Been there.
Do you put off your dreams for any number of the standard excuses?
 ... Not us. We are doing something about it!

We love to travel. We crave it. We have this burning passion for it. Why not do what you love? Life is far too short to not do what invigorates you, makes you feel alive, gives you a better sense of purpose in this large (but small) world. With little financial responsibility, a travel partner, and a decent chunk of savings, why not go?