Australia Pt. 2: Melbourne and the Great Ocean Drive!

Allie and Nelson checking out the Great Ocean Drive! 

What a beautiful country Australia is! We headed south from Sydney to Melbourne where the city was all a buzz with the ongoing Australian Open! We were hooked watching matches almost every night. It was hard not to get into it and choose favorites. Then we ventured down the "Great Ocean Drive" which is a must do in Australia. Luckily we had beautiful weather and stopped at many beautiful beaches along the way! These photos are not doctored in any way! It was actually this blue! How could we not smile?!
Beautiful Cathedral in Melbourne
Riding the free "tourist tram" around the city to learn more about Melbourne, the conductor comes back and says,"Okay now this is not a joke. I'm being serious. I need about 10 strong guys to get out of the tram and push us because we are stuck." Nelson didn't even hesitate! You get what you pay for! :) 
Federation Square was a great gathering place to watch the Australian Open in the shade with a nice backdrop of the city. It was very hot!
Ahhh, the fresh ocean air!
Allie with the sea!

Doesn't get much bluer than that! 

It looks like it is the edge of the earth!
London Bridge 

The mystery machine! Scooby-doo! Where are you!? Over here!!!!
Wish we had this for our rental!

Taking in the views


  1. That is about the most beautiful sky and ocean view I have ever seen. I see why you prefaced the photos with, "these photos have not been altered".
    Love the shot of the guys pushing the "free tourist" tram. Truly beautiful photos! God has surely blessed you both! Thanks for taking us along. And I'm pretty sure your brother would love the photo of the "mystery machine".

  2. Wow!! Looks like a croinky good time mates. Seriously very beautiful. Enjoy!
