We have departed!

Its official! We have departed the US and we have arrived in the UK! After the flight we are definitely experiencing jet lag! We are here in London for one night as we depart again tomorrow for sunny Rio de Janeiro! (London, not so sunny!) 

What we have learned from our first 12+ hours of traveling from JFK to Heahthrow:
  • We have too much stuff, we should plan in the next few days of what to ditch as our bags are stuffed to the brim. Not convenient for traveling when you want to slip something in your bag real quick.
  • Lines don't bother you as much when you have plenty of time. 
  • British accents are so amusing! (and sometimes so hard to understand it sounds like a different language)
  • Virgin Atlantic in flight service is very good! Pleasant flight crew! (free wine in economy class isn't too shabby either!)
  • When the pilot tells you it will be a "nice day" in London, that equates to "dark, cloudy, gloomy skies, but no rain!" :)

Now we would like to introduce you to 2 fellow travel buddies who have hopped aboard our luggage for the next 6 months. You will find them making an appearance in our pictures. 

Nelson's little man Buddha:
This little Buddha statuette hopped on 
board with us when we traveled to Barcelona in Apr 2010. When Allie was shopping for a few souvenirs (jewelry for herself) and Nelson didn't pick out anything for himself, Allie asked him in front of the clerk, "Are you sure you don't want to get something for yourself?" He said no and as the clerk wrapped up Allie's purchases she gave Nelson this Buddha statuette for free to remember Barcelona! Ever since then Buddha has lived on the nightstand next to Nelson's side of the bed and every morning Nelson will rub his belly for good luck. He is happy to be with us.

Mary's little Angel:
This guardian angel was a gift from Allie's mother. It belonged to Allie's grandmother, Mary. Mary kept this angel in her purse for years to look after her and keep her safe as she went about her day. Our little guardian angel will surely protect us on our journey. When we look at it we think of Allie's grandma but also all the family and friends back home who say prayers for us and wish us luck on our journey.

Tomorrow we arrive in Rio de Janeiro! Stay tuned as we explore South America for the next 2 months!


  1. We miss you already. Yes, your Guardian Angel, Mary, Maria, and our good Lord will be watching out for you. Smile, have fun, and be safe!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a marvelous starting point London. One of my favorite cities whether cloudy, rainy or cold. I'm sure you will enjoy visiting some of the great sights when you tack on the 4 days at the end of your trip. SIpping tea and crumpets, Buckingham Palace, The Tower of London, Big Ben, etc. there is so much to see. Stay safe. Mary's guardian angel looks lovely!
